A stitch in time saves at least nine lovely owls from an ordinary afternoon! Sunday-week-ago the Canberra Brown Owls met at their new base, the Downer Community Centre, to do a spot of stitching, eating and chatting.

Our project this month was embroidery and so we traced and ironed and stitched to the soothing tones of the children's tribal drum group in the room next door. It was lovely to meet a few new owls and get a feel for who does what crafts, and what activities we might like to do in the coming months.

Our owls certainly showed their culinary talents too - a whole table full of delicious delights including chocolate brown owls!!
Screech (Naomi)
Yay! It was so much fun! I think we had 13 people there, in all. A great turnout!
Who was working on the cats?? Those are so cute!
I think everyone should bring their stitching to the next meeting for show and tell!
I had a wonderful time, it was great trying out a new craft and meeting new people!
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