Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adelaide Meet 24th June

Hi Adelaide Owls,

After such a successful first meeting we are happy to announce that Owl meets will now be on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month which means... it’s time to ask for RSVP’s for the next meeting!

When: 24th June 7pm til 9:30pm
Where: Box Factory - Adelaide Community Centre, 59 Regent St South Adelaide
Cost: $2 donation to the Box Factory

Following the latest trends, we’ve decided to have a crochet theme for this week’s meet too. Don’t worry if you’ve never given it ago, there will be lots of lovely ladies there to help.

If you would like to learn how to crochet a very easy cowel [a loose holey funky tube scarf which goes over the head, like the ones here bring a 9mm or 10mm crochet hook AND a ball of mohair wool in a colour which makes you smile (Spotlight's 'MODA Vera: believe. 49% wool. 30% soya. 21% mohair' is perfect!). Great for both beginners and more advanced (you can modify the crochet stitch to suit).

Or perhaps you'd like to try some Granny squares? If so, bring along some 8 ply yarn in some of your favourite colours and a 4 or 5mm crochet hook. Wool or acrylic are both fine but you might find wool nicer to use if you are just starting out on your crochet adventure.

If you’re not sure what you want to try don’t be alarmed, just come along to the evening and be inspired! Like the last meet, we'll do a bit of show and tell too so if you want to bring some craft projects to inspire others please do.

Prefer to bring your own project to work on? No worries at all! We’ve picked a theme of crocheting but we welcome all sorts of crafty projects.

If you would like to bring along supper to share with the group please do!

As with the last meeting to be sure that everyone finds the meeting place please email us at and we will email you back a mobile number you can call if you're lost.

Please RSVP by leaving a comment on this post. If you have any questions about the meet email us at

See you on the 24th!

Cathy, Tracey & Cherry


Unknown said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I am coming also

Susan said...

I'll be there with bells on!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there Cathy

Anonymous said...

Yep :) I'll be there x Tracey

Donna said...

I'll be there too - can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I can't make it this week but will be there next one for sure! Carla

Kel said...

I'll be there too!

Natalie said...

Oooh how exciting! I was hoping that there was going to be an Adelaide group started soon. I would love to come along next week.

Gillian R said...

I'll be there with bells on. Thanks to flamehair for the heads up!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to come, Jessica.

Beeshebags said...

I'll be there....with my friend Khris....2 new owls for the parliament! lol See Ya Wednesday Naomi

Cherry said...

Isy and I will see you there (from Keryn via the Adelaide Owls email)

Oh and of course I'm coming too!

Anonymous said...

Yep I'll be coming!


Anonymous said...

I'll be there. Louise

Anonymous said...

Bugger. Missed it. Hope to be at the next one.

Cherie Wilkinson said...
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