Friday, November 27, 2009

Brown Owls Christmas Dinner

Come celebrate the start of the Christmas season and a sensational first year of Adelaide Brown Owls with us!

When: 9th of Dec @ 7pm
Where: T-Chow 68 Moonta St, Adelaide
RSVP: by adding a comment by the 7th Dec (to give us time to confirm numbers)

We will be having a lucky dip present swap on the night. If you’d like to participate please bring along a handmade gift wrapped and ready to swap. The gift can be from one of the 287 ideas Pip has post on her blog here, or something you have created from your own ideas.

(Photo borrowed from Meet me at Mikes)

If you haven’t checked Meet me at Mikes this week (thought we are sure you all have!) you really should because it’s a happy place this week, celebrating 3 years of blogging creative things to inspire us all.

Thanks Pip for being such a clever craft girl – without you our little group wouldn’t exist! X

PS – this will be our last meeting for the year. Brown Owls will be back on the 13th of Jan, refreshed and ready for 2010.


Anonymous said...

Ha! First cab off the rank ... yep, I'll be there or be square, presie and all. PS - don't order the satay combination if you want to keep your white top clean!
Cheers, Deb M

Unknown said...

I'm going to RSVP - if I haven't had B3 by then I'll have an extra spicy meal and bring the baby on that way!
And thanks for setting a date for the January meet-up too. Mel W.

Tracey said...

Yum! I'm coming :D

Donna said...

I'm definitely coming!

Cherry said...

Yum! Looking forward to it!

Megs said...

Yeah! I am coming! See you all there

Kel said...

I'll be there too, yum!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there for dinner and the gift swap, lovely =)

Anonymous said...

great, I will be there and rsvp for Trina as well, we will both bring a pressie to swap.

Anonymous said...

Count me in
Vanessa M

Anonymous said...

See you there
Chelsea M

Anonymous said...

Can't wait

Anonymous said...

Me Too, Taking the night off work.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to come and also swap a gift. A great idea to end the first year of meeting so many lovely craftie ladies! Susan D

hardhatcat said...

I'll be there :) Cat M

Ruth T said...

I'll be coming, thanks, with gift. Ruth

Cathy said...

I will definitely be there - cant wait

Alice E said...

I'll be there! Alice E

Jessica C said...

No can do, I'm at our work doo!
Looking forward to hanging out a little more next year.

carpe diem and merry christmas

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have song night at kindy! Wishing you all a merry xmas. XX Gillian

Anonymous said...

yep i will be there and so will julie looking forward to it

Anonymous said...

I would love to come, but I'll be interstate that day.
Hope you have a good night and an excellent Christmas.


Lady Rockstitch said...

Sounds like a great idea. I will be there. Andy

meetmeatmikes said...

Aw you guys are great! Have a lovely night, won't you?! So lovely that you are all going to get together! x

Gillian R said...

Booo hoooo.... looks like I'll be in Sydney!! Have a fabbo time gals and have some messy satay for me! Merry Xmas Brown Owl Crafty Types!!! xxx

Anonymous said...

hi i cant make tomorrow night and neither can julie sorry for the late notice i will be in hospitial having a sugar test see you in the new year love leonie and julie