Image by Linda Solovic
First Meeting for 2010
Date: Wednesday 20th Jan
Time: 7pm -10pm
Location: Lane Cove Centre House, 178 Longueville Road LANE COVE 2066 http://www.centrehouse.org.au/
Cost: $5 -$10 (approx depending on numbers)
- a mug for a cuppa
- BYO craft (eg hand sewing, crochet, knitting etc)
- 1 "show and tell" item you bought / found / received during the chrissie break (could be a
craft book, or cool tool or lovely fabric - whatever you want to show the group)
RSVP- Please comment on this blog post if you're attending
New Owlettes for 2010
If you are new here and would like to join our crafty catch-ups please send an email to:
honidesign @ gmail. com (without the spaces) and include:
- your name
- preferred email address
- blog URL (if you have one)
- a list of any crafty skills you would like to learn
- PLUS any skills you can teach the group (only if you’d feel comfortable though)
Then we’ll send you an email with all the details and add you to the mailing list.
Existing Owls
If you’re already on the Google Group, we’ll keep you on there. We’ll be sending out an email soon asking you for any updates to blog URLs, contact details etc. (If you want to be removed from the list, it will be very sad but you can email honidesign @ gmail . com and we'll remove you from the list)
Hey Bec,
Sorry but can't make the first meeting as I will be sunning myself in Fiji. Looking forward to next catch up
I wish I was sunning myself in Fiji... but I'm not, and I'd love to come.
I'm a new Owlette and am very excited about coming next Wednesday night. Look forward to meeting y'all then!
Bron x
I'm hoping to make it, but not sure yet. If anyone is driving from the Newtown area and needs a friend in their car to chat with on the way there, do let me know!
Darn, I've already got plans for that evening, so I won't be able to make it. Next time, me hopes.
I think I can make it! I will confirm closer, but I am pretty sure I can be there. YAY!
Planning on being there, looking forward to it.
I havent been to a meeting since early last year! Attendance for 2010 is my new years resolution :)
The name badege idea is a teriffic one, ill be bringing mine along.
I will also be bringing a crafty friend (or two).
see you next week!
Be there with bells on :)
Looking forward to seeing al the old faces and a few new ones too :)
I will be there. my aim for 2010 to make more owl time
Hey gals, sorry for the late reply. I'll there - if anyone from inner west is driving over and they have room for one more...
Fran x
Hi everyone and sorry for the late response.
I'd love to come along and am looking forward to a year of more crafting and Brown Owls catch ups. New years resolution #3!
Anika :)
I had planned to come, but then I heard Dent May and his Magnificent Ukalele on the radio and had to buy tickets to see him... Sadly this co-incides with the first Owls meet of the year. So sad I can't make it, but looking forward to seeing you all at future meetings. (The Sydney Festival is but once a year, after all!)
X Jordan
Look forward to meeting y'all then!
Work from home India
Hmmm I am in USA so I guess I won't be there LOL!
I am an Aussie though & my friend Khris in Adelaide is an owl fanatic so now I wonder if she belongs to one of your groups!
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