Time: 7-9:30pm
Where: Box Factory - Adelaide Community Centre, 59 Regent St South Adelaide
Cost: $2 donation to the Box Factory
Numbers: We have room for 25 Owls - the first 25 to RSVP are IN!
What to bring:
- 2 pieces of fabric, 6 inches square at a minimum.
- 2 matching buttons. Buttons should be type with 2 or 4 holes – not covered with shanks)
- Matching yarn or embroidery floss
- A long needle (ensure that yarn is able to be threaded through the eye of the needle)
- Matching cotton thread
- Basic needle for hand stitching
- Scissors
- a pen or pencil
- Instructions
- A few needles on the night for the group to share
- A circle pattern to trace
- Stuffing/Poly fill
If you are already set for pin cushions and would prefer to BYO craft that's no worries at all.
See you there!
The Adelaide Owl Prefects
Sorry guys I can't make it again this time, still really busy making bags. Hopefully I'll catch up soon and get to come back and say hi. Have a great meeting.
Vanessa M
HI, I'll be there and would love to make a cushion. Cheers Susan D
Should be there - hope I can find my pretty fabric I bought! If not I'll bring something else. Cheers to all.
Deb M.
Hi,I would love to make a cushion.I enjoyed making the calendar last week and I'm looking forward to seeing you all next week!Cheers
Sounds great. I'll be there attempting to make a pin cushion.
Thanks, Marlene R
Once again I am going to try very hard to come along, but I'll BYO. Mel W
I'll be there too, looking forward to making a cushion.
Cheers, diana
I'll be there making a pin cushion. Great idea! Louise
i will be there and so will julie tis leonie
I'll be there and would like to do a pin cushion too. Emma Mill
i hope to make it sans baby subject to getting a babysitter. If i can make it i will BYO
I'm coming, but will BYO.
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