Our beautiful logo has been designed and drawn for us by Jo Schofield.
Hi There,
Its time for our next Tuesday night meeting, and we are having a "UFO" craft night.
"UFO" is Un Finished Ojects, and I'm sure we all have a few of them around, so lets bring them along and see if we can get a bit further along or better yet - Finish them!
There will be learn to knit and crochet available too, so we hope to see you there!
We have made a date for our OP Shop tour too. For any one who is interested in coming along, please meet at 10 am at Gallery One at Mitcham, on Wednesday the 1st of September. Those of you who are able to provide transport for others, or if you need transport, please let me know and be prepared for a day of fun and interesting purchases.
If you could let me know if you are coming, I can have an idea of whether we need to make a booking some where for lunch.
Next Meeting details:
Where: Gallery One,
One Torrrens Road
Mitcham Ph 8272 4504
When Tuesday the 17th August, 7 - 9.30 p m.
Cost: Room hire $4. Once of Joining fee $10.
mmm....which ufo to bring? Such a lot to choose from
Sorry for late reply ladies. I'll be along after Badminton. I'm actually thinking about bringing along a completely new project which will undoubtedly become a UFO!!!
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