Fancy doing some stitching? It's a great way to snazzy up bibs, onesies, handkerchiefs and tea towels! Perfect for gift giving and it makes hand made stuff really special.

Our first meeting for 2011 will be held on Saturday February 19 at the Downer Community Centre in Frencham place and we will be learning how to stitch with embroidery thread, or if you know how to do that already, bring your current stitching project along! Please RSVP in the comment s box below so we know you are coming!
Here's the requirements list:
* $5 for the afternoons hall hire. Includes tea and coffee.
* a small plate of food to share for afternoon tea, only if you desire
* Something to stitch on. I suggest a plain hankie,a plain (flat fabric!) tea towel,or a onesie or plain bib.
* Some stabliser if you are using stretch fabrics such as onesies or t-shirts. Wash-away or tear away stabiliser will be fine (you can even use tissue paper!), or if you are happy for the stabiliser to be permanent bring some lightweight fusible interfacing.
* Embroidery needles. I use crewel needles, size 9. The eye has to be big enough for you to thread with embroidery floss.
* Embroidery floss in several colours.
* An embroidery hoop. If you can avoid it, don't get the cheap wooden ones from Spotlight or Lincraft. They collapse and are generally useless. Get a plastic one, or a good German wooden one from a craft shop. They are not expensive.
* Scissors
* Wash out pen, or pencil for tracing
* any stitching patterns you might like to use. Do an internet search for some freebies, or buy some online from places like Sublime Stitching. I will be bringing a lot of patterns along on the day, but you won't be able to iron transfer them on - a light box and the window will be available for tracing though!
Some free resources:

And the meeting time has changed! It's now 2 pm to 4 pm, and the dates for this year are:
19th February
19th March
10th April
21st May
18th June
30th of July
20th of August
17th September
22nd of October
19th of November
Make sure you put them in your diary!
Love from your prefects,
Bron, Georgie, Naomi and Michelle x
Hello, I have been inspired to start a Brown Owls group in London, does anyone have any lovely tips for starting up the group?
Kind Regards Sandy.
I am interested in coming along, but I haven't been before! I hope that's okay. Maybe I am missing something, but it doesn't seem to say where or if there is a cost for the venue. Are you able to let me know please?
I'll be there! I am so attending more meetings this year.
Great choice of craft to start the year off!
See you soon!
I need to fix this post don't I! Sorry about that We meet at downer community centre and the cost is $5. You also need to RSVP if you want to come along, just so we know how many tables and chairs to set up.
I would like to come. A great way to get some stitching ideas out of my head and onto fabric.
Yes - I'll be there!
I can't wait! - embroidery is my FAVOURITE!!
I'll be there :)
Thanks for supplying the dates for the rest of the year in advance! Though I noticed that 10th April is a Sunday... is that Intentional?
Hi Jen - yes, the 10th April is a Sunday, and it was intentional. We've had a LOT of problems just getting the room booked, and we'd been double booked for the Saturday (9th). The following weekend is the start of school holidays, and we did want to have an April meet, sooooo ... this was the only date we could get!
Cool! I will be there!
I've never been before but I'd love to come along. See you on the 19th.
I'm afraid I'm out this month... I did so want to do this one too! Naomi
I wish I could make it - but we will be at Luna park!
Long time lurker! I'll be there on the 19th :)
I'm interested in coming and hopefully bringing 1 or 2 friends - only catch is I've never done embroidery. I can do basic sewing though so just wanted to forewarn you I may be hopeless but I'm very enthusiastic...
Sounds great! I haven't been before and will be bringing someone else with me.
I will be there. Nicole
I'll be there though leaving a little early for proms :D
Hi ladies
Unfortunately I am a no this month.
Look forward to next months meeting.
Not sure if I will make it tomorrow because of work/kid stuff- I be there if I possibly can be. Have a great time all!
I will be there! Looking forward to this one very much ;)
We've had family stuff come up. Sorry I can't make it guys :(
ow no. I forgot to rsvp. But I will be coming. Sorry to get in so late.
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