After a sensational April meet at the new location of Nanna's Cafe, Launceston Brown Owls will once again descend on Lonnie's latest hip venue of vintage and cake joy for our May Meet.
When: TUESDAY 10 May 2011 (Please note change of day)
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Where: Nanna's Cafe, 7 Coulter Court, Launceston (You can indeed park outside at that time of night. Just turn into the laneway off York St, right beside Toyworld).
Project: The Granny Square. (or WIP)
With the colder weather upon us, some of the crafters expressed their desire to get reaquainted with this crocheted gem. Please bring a crochet hook and yarn. If you need help on hook size and yarn ply please just leave a comment.
Don't feel the Granny square calling? Please just bring your own Work in Progress (WIP).
Remember we also have our quilted squares still on the go. We are asking that Lonnie Owls produce 1 x 8 inch square and 1 x 4 inch square in black and white ( with one other colour of your choice if you desire). More details here
All welcome. Never been before? Just come along. We are an extremely cruisy and friendly bunch (but not in a stalker king of way).
RSVP here or at our Facebook site here
I will be coming - as will Laureen. I am determined to make a blanket (but realise this may take longer than the two hour time slot ...
I will be there, crochet hook at the ready! Louise
I'll be there...maybe not so great at crocheting after last times effort but will bring a project! Kirsten
Yes, please! I am going to attempt to follow a pattern and crochet flowers?! Could be interesting.
I want to come (George, drag me out by the ear if I say I can't come because of work).
I will crochet, I guess, or something that hopefully vaguely resembles crochet. I would like to make a granny square scarf and be all 70s chic.
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