Monday, March 1, 2010

Sydney Brown Owls Coffee and Craft

Image from here.
When: Wednesday March 10
Time: 7:00-9:30PM (ish)
Where: Berkelouw Books, Newtown (upstairs in the cafe) 6-8 O'Connel St, Newtown, 2042
Craft: B.Y.O craft
RSVP: In the comments section, please!

(^_^) Newbies WELCOME! Don't be scared, we're very friendly (^_^)


Gina said...

Hooray I can make this one!

Amy Badskirt said...

I'll be there!

A Life So Peachy said...

YAY! I will be there (probably early too if anyone would like to meet for a drink/something to eat before hand).

Jessica Lonard (The Crafty Librarian) said...

I'll be there early, coz I'll be coming straight from work. There is no end of places to get food and drink in Newtown if not the cafe itself.

Twospoonfulsofsugar [Sheryl] said...

Oooo! Count me in also lovely coffee crafty ladies! "cute coffee brown owl also" like it alot! very creative and crafty!

Laura Foo said...

I will definitely be there. Very excited! Laura

Verimaz said...

ah nuts I can't make this very convenient meeting but i did update the Brown Owls Google Calendar

Amanda P said...

I'll be there too!

pepper said...

Hooray! see you there!

PaperLion said...

Yep, think I can make it too.

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

I think I can make it!

Anonymous said...

Hi there
I would love to come along, but it is a bit far from where I live- West pennant Hills. I came along to one of you meeting last year with a friend and want to start crafting again after the birth of my little girl. Is there a Brown Owls in North Rocks? Saw a alink on the blog

amelieandatticus said...

Hello....I am hoping to make it along...a YES at this stage!!!

Unknown said...

lovely, I´m coming, too!

missluzi design said...

Looking forward to it :))) Anika

Fiona said...

I will be there also

Laura Foo said...

Oh no. The hubs is working late so I'll have to try and catch the next one. One day I will make it!

Bron said...

I'll be there!

aconlonirl said...

Will make it also. 2nd meeting for me. Looking forward to it,


Anonymous said...

I think I will be able to make it too, my first Sydney Brown Owls meeting.

Bec @ honi design said...

I'll be there with bells on! (i'm yet to actually WEAR bells though...)

Howaito-san said...

Hi! I'm a Newbie! I'd like to come to my first meeting tomorrow! Very excited : )

Anonymous said...

I'll be there

amelieandatticus said...

:-( I won't be able to make it as my ride home cannot!!! I hope you have an awesome night...I will be knitting from my home in spirit!

Fiona kate said...

booked a babysitter... made some cookies to bring...was late... left cookies at home...walked into berkelow books leichardt... wrong place!

will make the next one promise

Anonymous said...

When is the next meeting? I'd love to come.

Lisa :-)