Hi All,
Our next meeting will be at the beautiful Design Centre, Tamar Street, 7.30 till 9.30 on Thursday 2 September. We will be making dolls for the wonderful Uthando Project.
For info and specs for the doll check out the web site - http://www.uthandoproject.org.
Of course, if you have something else you are working on, feel free to bring that along instead.
Late Arrivals - Someone will wait at the door till 7.45 after that you can ring my mobile. Email me if you would like the number, Georgia
Brown Owls Launceston is now a Facebook Page. If you would like would like to check meeting dates etc and for what's on in town in the way of craft, join up! Search for Brown Owls Launceston!
Please RSVP below and the first 20 are in!
I'll be there.
Yes, I will definitley be there this time. I'm sorry for not arriving last time but I had a few 'husband-not getting the car back in time' frustrations to contend with. I will be there with plate in hand. I'm really looking forward to it. Jill C.
I'll come if I can find a baby sitter! My husband works Thursday nights, Mondays or Tuesdays were much better!
i'll be there, but have to work at 9.30 so leaving just a touch early
I'll be there ready to stitch. Amanda C
Hi! I will be there! Very excited to see the Uthando info, thanks for helping support such a fantastic and worthy cause!
Can't wait to see the little Uthando folk the group create!
~ Ailsa Leslie
Meant to add that I will bring along some brown fabric to share and the patterns left over from last meeting if people are wanting to start a new doll. See you there!
Yep, I will be there too, thanks! Sarah M :)
another newbie wants to come - what an amazing project - well done! what do I need to bring?
I'm going to try and make it too, though will probably be running a bit late... Phoebe N
... and another newbie. Thanks for the info Georgia. I'd love to come along. Cheers, Amy.
Me too. Bit late getting my act together!
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