Thursday, February 17, 2011

BYO Adelaide 23rd Feb

I know it's a cliche but... this year is flying by! Time to get the details out about the next meeting.

Meeting is 7 to 9:30 pm on the 23th of Feb at the Box Factory 59 Regent St South, Adelaide.

No plans for a project this week so just bring along what you are working on and we can chat and sip cups of tea.

Comment if you are coming =)


Anonymous said...

I'd love to come on Wednesday night, thankyou, Cherry, for inviting me to join! Though for health reasons I may only be a maybe, I'm still an excited tentative yes. ^_^

~ Nett aka VintageNettles

Unknown said...

I'll be there! No idea what craft I'll be bring though (I've given up on sock knitting again.)

Cocorosie said...

hi where did you get this pow brouche picture=? :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be there this time - homework dramas or not! Susan D

Donna said...

I'm coming... have no idea what I'll bring either, Mel! Nothing on the go just now...

Anonymous said...

i will be there tis leonie and so will julie

Anonymous said...

I will endeavor to be there also :) Gillian A

Emma Mill said...

Have fun. Under the weather with a cold. See you next time! Emma

Megs said...

I will be there and so will Willow :)