Maybe it was the knitting, maybe it was the company or maybe it was the brownie but I completely forgot to take any photos of our October meeting!
So imagine if you will, the round table at Pearl Oyster, teacups, cake plates and hives of industry. Keti, fabulously pregnant with only seven weeks to go, was crocheting up a storm on her second baby blanket, this one a homage to her beloved's football team.
Ann-Margaret was working away on blue/gray garter scarf with stripey ribbon yarn ends. By the time she left, she was but a telly episode away from FINISHING! Just in time for next winter.
Kathryn reached the armholes on her ribbed sweater and I was plodding through cables and slip stitches for a cardigan that will also be ready for next winter.
Holly brought a magic carpet of mending, transporting us all back about thirtyish years, with her patched restoration of the family Puggle.

The instant I saw it, I was back in Toyworld in Karingal Hub Shopping Centre in some sort of forest scene set up, loads of Puggles and a lot of thwarted desire. I never got one and forgot them entirely until Brown Owls Meet.
Our next regular meeting is
Sunday November 20 2-4pm
reply in comments or email me if you are coming
We also have an extra special meeting coming up at GJs Discount Fabric store in Brunswick for those of you who love your sewing machines or who wish to love a sewing machine. Check out their shop
Here are the details for our meeting
Saturday November 5 12.30 - 3.45pm
We will be meeting in the upstairs sewing room at GJ's - it is light and airy and has lots of tables and even tea and coffee stuff. If you are coming you need to bring your own sewing machine if you have one. BYO sewing project and materials are available to purchase downstairs in the fabric shop. I will be running a little tutorial on making a zip purse. 
If you would like to make one of these you will need
So imagine if you will, the round table at Pearl Oyster, teacups, cake plates and hives of industry. Keti, fabulously pregnant with only seven weeks to go, was crocheting up a storm on her second baby blanket, this one a homage to her beloved's football team.
Ann-Margaret was working away on blue/gray garter scarf with stripey ribbon yarn ends. By the time she left, she was but a telly episode away from FINISHING! Just in time for next winter.
Kathryn reached the armholes on her ribbed sweater and I was plodding through cables and slip stitches for a cardigan that will also be ready for next winter.
Holly brought a magic carpet of mending, transporting us all back about thirtyish years, with her patched restoration of the family Puggle.

The instant I saw it, I was back in Toyworld in Karingal Hub Shopping Centre in some sort of forest scene set up, loads of Puggles and a lot of thwarted desire. I never got one and forgot them entirely until Brown Owls Meet.
Our next regular meeting is
Sunday November 20 2-4pm
Pearl Oyster 114 Miller St, Preston
free but buy a cuppa for the Pearl
reply in comments or email me if you are coming
We also have an extra special meeting coming up at GJs Discount Fabric store in Brunswick for those of you who love your sewing machines or who wish to love a sewing machine. Check out their shop
Here are the details for our meeting
Saturday November 5 12.30 - 3.45pm
GJs Fabrics 443 Lygon Street, Brunswick
reply in comments or email me if you haven't let me know already
We will be meeting in the upstairs sewing room at GJ's - it is light and airy and has lots of tables and even tea and coffee stuff. If you are coming you need to bring your own sewing machine if you have one. BYO sewing project and materials are available to purchase downstairs in the fabric shop. I will be running a little tutorial on making a zip purse.
If you would like to make one of these you will need
- 16cm-17cm skirt zip
- approximately 2 x 20cm square piece of cotton fabric for the outside
- approximately 2 x 20cm square piece of cotton fabric for the lining
Please bring all your own scissors, pins etc for your projects if you have them - I will bring stuff for beginners.
See you soon
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