Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Adelaide Brown Owls - BYO
As we head into Autumn and Winter, it's a great time to work on those little projects that are sitting in your Work In Progress box or basket. Why not bring one along and finish it off?
Otherwise, bring along whatever crafty little number you are working on at the moment.
That might be crochet, knitting, embroidery, tatting (!), macrame (!!) or granny faces made out of old dried apples....... hmm, maybe not that last one.
Or if you are completely stuck for something to do, we still have some felting kits in the cupboard along with other bits and bobs that we can dig out.
Otherwise, bring along whatever crafty little number you are working on at the moment.
That might be crochet, knitting, embroidery, tatting (!), macrame (!!) or granny faces made out of old dried apples....... hmm, maybe not that last one.
Or if you are completely stuck for something to do, we still have some felting kits in the cupboard along with other bits and bobs that we can dig out.
Next meeting: 27th April
Same place: Box Factory, Regent St, Sth Adelaide
Same time: 7pm til 9:30pm
Launceston Brown Owls May Meet: Granny Square Dance

After a sensational April meet at the new location of Nanna's Cafe, Launceston Brown Owls will once again descend on Lonnie's latest hip venue of vintage and cake joy for our May Meet.
When: TUESDAY 10 May 2011 (Please note change of day)
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Where: Nanna's Cafe, 7 Coulter Court, Launceston (You can indeed park outside at that time of night. Just turn into the laneway off York St, right beside Toyworld).
Project: The Granny Square. (or WIP)
With the colder weather upon us, some of the crafters expressed their desire to get reaquainted with this crocheted gem. Please bring a crochet hook and yarn. If you need help on hook size and yarn ply please just leave a comment.
Don't feel the Granny square calling? Please just bring your own Work in Progress (WIP).
Remember we also have our quilted squares still on the go. We are asking that Lonnie Owls produce 1 x 8 inch square and 1 x 4 inch square in black and white ( with one other colour of your choice if you desire). More details here
All welcome. Never been before? Just come along. We are an extremely cruisy and friendly bunch (but not in a stalker king of way).
RSVP here or at our Facebook site here
Brown Owls Sydney meeting
Last night was our first Sydney Brown Owls for a while. We met up at the lovely Berkelouw Wine Bar and had a great time eating, crafting and catching up.

The food was really yummy with a range of pizzas, bruschetta, tapas and desserts...we also had a few cheeky glasses of wine (^_^)

Amy was very pleased with her finished dahlia.
We had a great time and look forward to seeing everyone next month! We will be having a meeting on the 20th of each month. Next month's meeting details will be posted here, as well as on the Brown Owls Sydney Facebook page and through The Brown Owls Twitter.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Perth Brown Owls (Bayswater)!
DATE: Sunday 22nd May
TIME: 2pm - 4pm
AT: Bayswater Drill Hall meeting room (cnr Murray and Crowther streets, Bayswater)
our own crafty project to work on. A gold coin donation- just to help out with the hall hire!
RSVP: Either comment below or email shodgson(at)westnet(dot)com(dot)au. You might also like to check our facebook group where you can rsvp yes to our next meeting 'event'.
All welcome! We are a friendly bunch so don't be shy! Hope to see you there.
Calling all Brown Owls: The BrisStyle Toy Society Drop
Calling all Owls! BrisStyle and The Toy Society are joining forces to create a Mega Toy Drop for the month of May!
Anyone anywhere in the world can take part, check out all the details here for some crafty fun!
It's a great opportunity to do some softie making at your next meet up or you could even get together and do a mega drop in your own area!
Yay for sharing the crafty love xx
Mitcham Brown Owls.

Designed by Jo Schofield.
Hi there Owlies,
We've changed the date of our next meeting as we didn't think any one would want to be turning up on Easter saturday. Our new date for this meeting is Saturday 30th of April, and we are having a BYO of UFO's - perhaps you would like to swap your unfinished object with some one else and finish off each others?
Julie is helping with Temari, and I will be teaching knitting and crochet for any one who is interested.
Have you all heard about the RiAus crochet reef project? Cherry from Adelaide Brown Owls is Project manager, and its a great project to be involved in - Google it for more information.
The deatils:
Where, Gallery One, 1 Torrens Street Mitcham PH 08272 4504
When Saturday 30th April 1.30 - 4.00 pm
Cost: Once of joining fee $10. Class room hire $5.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Preston Brown Owls May Meet

DATE: Sunday 1st May
TIME: 2- 3pm
WHERE: Pearl Oyster Cafe- 114 Miller St, Preston (stop 37 on the 112 tram)
WHAT: Bring along
your own crafty project that your working on.
COST: free- but purchase a cup of tea or coffee as a thank you gesture for hangin' at such an tip-top venue
RSVP: In the comments section if you'd like to come along. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Preston Brown Owls Meet
Hi Brown Owls!
DATE: Sunday 17th April
TIME: 2- 3pm
WHERE: Pearl Oyster Cafe- 114 Miller St, Preston (stop 37 on the 112 tram)
WHAT: Bring Along
your own crafty project that your working on.
COST: free- but purchase a cup of tea or coffee as a thank you gesture for hangin' at such an tip-top venue
RSVP: In the comments section if you'd like to come along.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sydney Inner West Craft Meet Up
If anyone in Sydney's Inner West is interested in starting a craft group, I live in Dulwich Hill (near Newtown and Marrickville) and would love to regularly host a meet up in my wee terrace. Monday and Tuesday nights both work very well for me at the moment. If you would like to be part of this group, you can email me at jenn[dot]martin[at]gmail[dot]com or contact me on twitter @wateryone.
St George and Sutherland Brown Owls

Come along Next Tuesday Night 19th April 2011 Oatley Hotel - The Lounge Room - Just behind the Clock and Oyster counter! 8 Oatley Avenue, Oatley NSW 2223 New craftsters welcome! We'll be there from 7pm - 10pm Come and have a slice of pizza....or knit a slice!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Footscray Brown Owls April Meeting PLEASE NOTE change of date!!!!

This Monday 11th of April meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday the 16th April from 2 - 4pm at the Station Hotel, Napier St, Footscray. Would love to see you there! Please bring a crafty project or if you are a beginner just turn up and we will get you started on something or you can just come along for a chat and coffee.
Look forward to seeing you all
Helen :)
Location:: @ Station Hotel 52 Napier St, Footscray.
Day:: Saturdayday, April 16th
Time:: 2pm - 4pm
map here
Parking available in Hotel carpark accessed from Napier St or the Council carpark across the street you can access it from Lawson Place (see map above).
ADVICE! Do not park along Hyde St as it is residential permit parking only.
Adelaide Brown Owls - Let's get chicky!
Hey there Owlettes! Want to get down and crafty making a gorgeous chick like this?
photo by Myrtle and Eunice
The very clever Mytle and Eunice have created this gorgeous little chick and with Easter coming up, it's a perfect craft to share. They are very easy and all you need to know is blanket stitch. If you don't, then we are happy to teach you!
photo by Myrtle and Eunice
Kits will be provided on the night and will cost $2. Or BYO craftiness. And show and tell. ;)
You will need to bring:
* sewing needle
Next meeting: 13th April
Same place: Box Factory, Regent St, Sth Adelaide
Same time: 7pm til 9:30pm
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Canberra wrap-up - Burnt Flower brooches
A beautiful wet autumny day in Canberra was the perfect setting for a Brown Owls craft session with candles and cups of tea!
A few of us did the burnt flowers.
But there was also knitting, quilting, crochet and embroidery going on, along with those delicious cups of tea and coffee and the treats people had brought along with them!
Thanks everyone for a lovely afternoon. We'll see you all again on Saturday 21 May!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sydney Brown Owls

Where: Berkelouw Books, Leichhardt (upstairs)
When: Wednesday, April 20 at 6:30PM - 9:30PM (approx)
We're really looking forward to seeing you there!
Note: If you'd like to be added to the Brown Owls Sydney mailing list please send an email to brownowlssydney (at ) gmail (dot) com and we will add you!
P.S. Don't you love the owly badges? They're actually from 2009 and the HTML can be found here (a bit cheeky, it's just from this blog's archives). The lovely Angela from Three Buttons created them, she's very clever!
Hope to see you on the 20th!
Brown Owls Sydney,
Mitcham Brown Owls

Created by Jo Schofield.
Hi There Owlies,
All ready for our next session?
This month we have decided to have a "bring along something that needs finishing off class" For many of us I suspect this will be our Temari!
We have changed the date of our Saturday afternoon for this month, because one of our very astute members noticed we had the meeting organised for Easter Saturday on our calendar, so we have now changed it to Saturday the 30th of April.
This Sunday we have the big Craftarts market at Gallery one, with the craft garage sale - all items are craft related and the prices are great!
Please RSVP for Tuesday so we have an idea of how many to set up for.
We look forward to seeing you and your ufo's.
Where: Gallery One 1 Torrens Street Mitcham Ph 8271 4504
When: Tuesday 12th April 2011. 7 pm to 9.30 pm.
Cost : Once of - joining fee $10. Room hire $5.
Lianne and Julie.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Southside Brown Owls ~ Thu 14th April ~ BYO Project
Hi Brown Owls
Here are the details for our next meet!
Date: Thu 14th April
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm(ish)
Venue: Miss Jackson
2/19 Grey Street, St. Kilda (enter via the big rusty gate on Jackson Street)
Nearby trams: #16, #96, #112
Nearby parking: enter Jackson Street from Fitzroy Street (between the chemist and 7/11)
and there are a couple of parking lots there, less than 1 minute walk to the cafe
Craft: BYO project
If you are a newbie and would like some ideas please drop us a line
Cost: FREE!
Goodies: Tea, wine and baked treats will be provided
Coffee and other drinks will be available for purchase if you like
And of course you are welcome to bring along snacks too
RSVP: In the comments section below if you would like to come along
We can accommodate the first 20 people - so get in quick!
Hope to see you there!
Southside Brown Owls ~ upcoming dates!
Hi Owls
Here is some info on our upcoming dates for Southside Brown Owls!

And a great blog post by Michelle on our first night in March at Windsor Deli
Here is some info on our upcoming dates for Southside Brown Owls!

And a great blog post by Michelle on our first night in March at Windsor Deli
We will post the details for our next meeting tomorrow!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Perth (Como) Brown Owls - Plushies, Softies, Toys of a Squishy Nature!
Do you wanna make a narwhale?
The Perth (Como) Brown Owls Group are having another craft day! Yay!
We'll be meeting at Lisa's Place in Como, Perth on Sunday April 10 from 12 - 3 (ish, we're happy if people stay later ^_^) and we'll be making soft toys!
We can choose whatever toy you would like to make! I think that I might make an awesome narwhale or maybe a squishy zombie ^_^
We have many sewing machines, so if you don't have one of your own, you are welcome to share; but you will need to bring your own pattern and material. There are lots of great toy patterns on the internet! Craftster have a lot of good free tutorials, or you could buy a pattern from Etsy.
If you want to bring another project and just craft with us - that is fine too! And you don't even have to sew if you don't want to ... why not make a knit or crochet toy, or make some cute toys by needle felting? ^_^
If you'd like to come, join the event via Brown Owls Worldwide or The Crafternoon Gals on Facebook, and we'll message you the address. Or, if you don't use Facebook, leave a message in the comments with your email and we'll send you the address through that.
Hope to see you there!
x Lisa and Pip
Origami Brown Owls Adelaide Style!
Our gorgeous Brown Owl member Chieko was here visiting from Japan and on her last night with us showed us how to craft ourselves a beautiful flower and small box using origami.
Like how innovative we Brown Owls are? Using beer bottle tops for glue holders is a great idea!
And to finish off the night, we folded ourselves some super cute frogs and had an impromptu session of "My Frog Can Jump Further Than Your Frog".
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Canberra Brown Owls: Burnt Flowers
This month we're going to have a go at burning flowers!
Burnt flowers can be used for brooches or headbands or clips or to embellish just about anything... they're super easy and heaps of fun!
Check out these tutorials...
Burned organza flowers
Burned chiffon flowers
Burned flowers

Most of these tutes use organza, but you can use just about any polyester-type material... anything that will burn basically! Just not cotton or silk - they will just burn right up (don't ask how we know...).
So you'll need to bring a bit of material, a couple of beads or buttons, something to attach the finished flower to (brooch-back, headband, bag), thread and needles and a candle... then get ready to burn it up! As always, you can always just bring along you own project instead - we just love to see you!
This month's meet is Sunday 10 April from 2 to 4 pm, at the Downer Community Centre. Please RSVP in the comments. $5 for hall hire please and a plate to share for afternoon tea if you wish.
x Naomi, Bron, Michelle and George
Saturday, April 2, 2011
:: Brown Owl Member Profile :: Lili from Devonport

Lili and Edie!
Name :: Lili Alexandra Endelmanis Foster
Brown Owls Group You Belong To :: co creator of the Devonport, Tasmania Brown owl group
Lives :: In a lovely federation house with lost of garden in Latrobe
Lives With :: My Marj, Dad, Brother, Sister and my little baby girl Edie
Pets :: lots and lots! That's what comes with having lots of land, plus being a bit of an animal lover/hoarder/impulse buyer some of them to just name a few are Bernard and Mo the cats, Bella and Ettie the dogs, Hester and bob the gold fish, Followed by lots of chickens, Ducks some more fish and an old grey horse
Favourite Crafty Thing To Do :: Making vintage clothing although they are a pain and I do mean a pain I just love the way they remind me of a by gone era. Saying that I also love to make these special little woodland felt animals that I make!
The Best Snack To Make To Is ::MMM that's such a hard one for me because food is my other great love and so is cooking... If i could narrow it down to a top five it would be
Cheesy scones
Lemon syrup cake
melting moments
and maybe left over chocolate self-saucing pudding or a simple pear and walnut cake
And of cause you need a drink to go with all these yummy treats and for that I would have to say that would be a nice mug of spiced tea with condensed milk!
Favourite Crafternoon Music :: Nice mellow background music such as The memory machine by Julia stone and triple j's like a version
Three Awesome Links ::
Friday, April 1, 2011
:: Brown Owls : Owly Member Profiles : This Is ME!

I would LOVE you to write a little profile about yourself so we can see who is Owling along! Here is what to do ::
Send me a photo of YOU!
Answer these questions ::
Name ::
Brown Owls Group You Belong To ::
Lives ::
Lives With ::
Pets ::
Favourite Crafty Thing To Do ::
The Best Snack To Make To Is ::
Favourite Crafternoon Music ::
Three Awesome Links ::
Then email the lot to me and I will publish any profiles I receive here in the coming weeks!
xx Pip

Brooke and Kirsty (looking about 11 years old....!)
Hello Owls!
I have updated the Brown Owls blog to include a calendar of events, current up to date contact/chapter list and the links to Facebook and the new TWITTER account too!
I think I have to INVITE you to the Google Calendar? So if you'd like to be invited and add your events all by yourself, then let me know and I will add you as a collaborator! Otherwise I will do my best to update it from the posts here and on Facebook!
If you would like to Tweet Your Meet you can contact me for the log in and you're away (email me at meetmeatmikes at gmail dot com) I've also given things a freshen up here, in case you are reading this in a Reader and you want to click over!
It looks like there are some new smaller Sydney chapters forming this year. If you would like to start a chapter in your area email me and I will clue you in! You only need 2 members to start, plus a venue and some enthusiasm. Meetings need to be monthly at least.
Thanks everyone for your continued support (in the past and present!) I think we have all made a really great crafty community via Brown Owls! Excellent!!
xx Pip
preston meet this sunday!
Hi Brown Owls!
DATE: Sunday 3rd April
TIME: 2- 3pm ish
WHERE: Pearl Oyster Cafe- 114 Miller St, Preston (stop 37 on the 112 tram)
Its a crochet theme, so if you'd like to learn how to crochet, bring a hook (size 4) and some yarn (8ply) and I'll teach some basics.
Otherwise, you can always just bring your own crafty project that your working on.
COST: free- but purchase a cup of tea or coffee as a thank you gesture for hangin' at the venueRSVP: In the comments section if you'd like to come along.
Heart keti ♥ x o
Launceston Brown Owls April Meet
This Month we are at a new location: Where: Nanna's Cafe, 7 Coulter Crt, Launceston (tucked in behind the quadrant mall, near Toyworld) When: Monday 11 April 2011 (Second Monday of the Month) Time: 7pm - 9pm Cake?: As a special Brown Owls treat, Lucy and Laura will whip you up a tea/coffee with a slice of cake for $8 What to Bring: Last month we decided on a group quilt project. Each Owl is asked to complete 1 x 4 inch square and 1 x 8 inch square. The squares should be in black and white with one other colour of your choice. As for each square ... You can embroider it, piece it, applique it, embellish it ... do what ever you like to it .... and then they will all be quilted together and the completed masterpiece sold, with proceeds going to a charity of our choice (TBA). Never fear if you are not a quilter and it remains as a dark art to you ... there are plenty of quilters in our group who are willing and able to lend a hand! If you would like to start on your squares ... bring them along. Or else bring your handheld project. All newcomers more than welcome! We are a friendly bunch! HAven't been for a while? We would love to see you. Please RSVP in the comment section here or over at our facebook page is here
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