Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunshine Coast Brown Owls!

Hey everyone,

I'm super excited to announce that we're officially starting up a Brown Owls here on the Sunshine Coast!

Our first meeting is THIS SATURDAY, 7th May, and here are the details:

Saturday 7th May (meeting the first Saturday of the month from now on)
2pm- 4pm
Cotton Tree Park (near the war memorial).

If it's raining text T'lia on 0410 400 366 and we'll hang out in a library or cafe depending on how many people come along!

It's open to everyone, so men, don't be shy!!
Just bring your own craft to do for now, and at this first meetup we'll discuss the possibility of working on a project together, and/or learning some new skills. If you have something you'd like to teach us, then bring along the suggestions!

Also, you might like to bring a picnic blanket, and a thermos with some tea! I'll bring the snack-a-roos!!

Follow us on twitter:


morgandkim said...

sounds great!!

Unknown said...

love to come! crafters unite!

manny said...

see you sat