Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Southside Owls ~ Thursday 8th December ~ Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Hello everyone!

This is going to be our last meet for 2011, so we're going to be getting into the festive spirit with food, drinks and Christmas decorations!

There are so so many great Christmas decoration patterns and tutorials on the interwebs! Here are a few for some inspiration:

I've made Pip's nana baubles and crochet hearts so I can help anyone out that would like to give those a try.

I'm sure many of you already have plans for your crafty Christmas decorations, and are probably well under way, which is why we thought we'd leave this one open so you can bring along any Christmassy UFOs and get them finished off before the big day.

Date: Thursday 8th December
Time: 7pm onwards
Venue: Miss Jackson, 2/19 Grey Street St. Kilda (through the big rusty gate)
Close to the #16, #96 and #112 trams, and nearby parking below

What to bring:
~ Your Christmas decoration project or of course any BYO project is fine, and if you "forget" your project and just want to come along to be a social butterfly well that's just fine and dandy too!

~ A plate of food to share, a mix of sweet and savoury would be nice, so pop the details of what you are bringing along in the comments

Miss Jackson will provide wine for all! And I'll be bringing along a trifle!

RSVP: Pop a comment to let us know you are coming along, and please add in the plate of food you would like to bring to share!

Feel free to email me or tweet me with any questions.



Narelle said...

I'll be there with Christmas cupcakes & maybe a few 'secret recipe' mince pies !

Katrina Higham said...

I am coming and bringing a slab of triple chocolate brownie with Kate!!!

Kate S - F is for fabric said...

I will be there with Kat & our brownie :o)

Anonymous said...

I'll be there with some zucchini fritters! - lisa

Katiecoos said...

I will bring my festive rocky road. :) Kate :)

Tess said...

booo, I have two other prior engagements that night!! Wishing you all a festive time though :) xx

Yots said...

I'll be there with something sweet to share - tbc!

Yarn Wrap said...

I think I shall bring some sparkling wine

Sarah said...

Hi, I'd like to come along but I've never been to one before so it feels a little like gatecrashing a party.
Are newbies welcome at this one?

Suzie from www.stylise.com.au said...

There with my Christmas bells on ladies! looking forward to seeing you all. x

Suzie from www.stylise.com.au said...

hmmm forgot to say what I'll bring...but probably something savory

Michelle said...

Me too:)

Shannon said...

Hi Sarah

Newbies are always welcome! We would love you to come along.

Anonymous said...

Finally being able to yes I am coming.
I will bring something savory or cheese.

GourmetGirlfriend said...

I so wanna learn how to make those Xmas hearts....maybe a bit hard for a total crochet novice tho....I will bring some ocean trout crudites. xx

Andi said...

I'll be there!!
Think I'll bring some antipasti bits and some crackers!
Andi x

Mary said...

Hoping to come along if I can throw my cold by then. No idea what I'll bring, something yummy.

teddybearswednesday said...

will be there with bells on. ok maybe not. but there just no bells.

Linda said...

Looking forward to it. Will bring some sparkling wine.