I'm Katie Lowe & I'm starting a Brown Owls group in Cootamundra. Ok so for those of you who have no idea where Cootamundra is, it's on the South West Slopes in the Riverina area aka country NSW, 90kms from Wagga Wagga.
Anywhoo I don't know how many people from the area know of Brown Owls but I hope to change that soon. We will be having a day session and an evening session both once a month to suit those who work of a day & those who prefer to craft in the day.
We're lucky enough to have a free venue at the library so I'm thinking of a gold coin to cover refreshments & any photocopying templates etc. Does that sound reasonable? Thinking the first few sessions will be BYO project & then work out how & what we will do for projects after that. As I said I'm totally new to this so would love any advice you all may have.
Here's the details:
Evening sessions: 1st Tuesday of the month 6-8pm
Day sessions: 1st Thursday of the month 1-3pm
Commencing 2 & 4th August- First session BYO craft project- FREE
Refreshments: Tea/coffee & a cake or other yummy treat will be supplied
Cheers, Katie.
Good luck to you all! From the Owls down the road in Canberra xxx
Thanks Michelle! Still crossing my fingers that we'll get an ok turn out! xo
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