Monday, October 5, 2009

Launceston's Brown Owls October Meet

Last month's Brown Owls meet was an absolute corker. The lovely Isis lead us in bookbinding ... and some amazing books were constructed. A big thank you Isis xx
All right Lonnie Owls. Get your craft on and get to October's Brown Owls Meet

When: Monday 19 October @ 7.30pm
Where: Seworld, 88 Elizabeth Street, Launceston
What: BYO craft project.

If anyone is interested in running a session for November - please pop your hand up at the meet or post a comment here. Not a member yet? Please just RSVP below and come along on the night! Hoot!


gemma @ loz and dinny said...

Eve and I are there!

Andrea said...


Fer said...

I should be able to come. We have family staying with us that week so I'll have a baby sitter at least!

Sharon said...

I will be there!

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be there! Jill C.

Anonymous said...

I will try and make it for the first time.

Isis said...

yeah, finally got my roster, I can make!! just granny squares for me i think
x isis

2paw said...

I am coming, but just for half an hour. I am very tired, but I saw Isis just now and I had promised to bring some magazines to swap :-)

Fer said...

*update* Sorry but won't be able to make it. I forgot it's my father's birthday and we're going there for tea. Hope it's a great night!

Raewyn said...

I will be there x