Hi lovely Brown Owls
Please do come along to our October gathering - Tuesday 4th October - when we will once again be embarking upon a theme night, this month its going to be - SLIPPER NIGHT! To join in the slippery fun you can participate by:
a) crocheting some slippers (yes I know, crochet again - but i cant help it, i love it! and as you know I am very open to your suggestions if you'd like to do something else, do tell me do do). Have you seen Pip's pippy slipper pattern? if not, it's here http://meetmeatmikes.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-crochet-pippy-slippers.html they really are very super and have proven particularly popular. Have you made some? Been meaning to but not quite got round to it yet? Well, nows your chance!
b) wearing your slippers
c) both of the above - total slipper-a-rama
Here are the details:
when: Tuesday 4th October 2011
at: 6.30 - 9pm
where: The Parlour, Madame Brussels, level 3, 59-63 Bourke St, Melbourne 3000
bring: your crochet gear (4mm hook & 8 ply / double ply wool in 2 or 3 colours) if you want to make pippy slippers or BYO craft project of your choice
cost: no fee for attendance but you may like to purchase a drink or a delight from the Madame Brussels menu, by way of a thankyou for room usage
RSVP: in the comments section below please - indicating your name eg. Sue H or Slipper N
Will be lovely to see you. Dont forget to RSVP in the comments below, with your name.
sue x
ps. I have had to make a slight change to the rest of the scheduled gatherings for 2011. The new dates are: Mon 7th November, Tues 13th December. I've changed them on the Brown Owls calendar which you'll find in the column over there--------->>>>>>>>>>>>
Count me in please!
I'll be there! I've been wanting to try out crocheting a pair of Pip's slippers! I may have to refrain from wearing my slippers though, as I'll be coming straight from work. Party pooper I know :)
I am looking forward to number 2 session and promise to try harder (perhaps no red wine will help...)
I'm there! Now that I can crochet (sort of)
Yes, count me in too, looking forward to seeing everyone!
Hi Sue,
Unfortunately wont be able to make it to this one. :(
Will see you all in November. :)
Kate xx
How slipper-tastic!! I'm definitely there, or at least popping by - and I'm bringing my mum who is visiting to see the delight that is Brown Owls (she is a big supporter of slippers!)
Megan :)
(owner of a host of slippers)
Hoping to make this one, save me a cosy chair for my Nanna hip ;-)
Save a comfy chair for me Sue!
I would love to come! Looking forward to it!
I'd love to come again, see you all then!
Will definitely try and make it along again - had a great time last time! :)
I'd love to come, :)
See you there
Ill be coming along again, with my friend pippa :)
I'll be there!
looking forward to it!
- Jacinta
I'll be there! Hooray
Thanks sue, will see you there.
Cheers, ann
See you all tonight!
Linda H
Jippie, I would like to join too tonight!
Hi Sue,
Sorry for the late notice but I won't be able to make it tonight after all :(
See you in November!
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