So! You’re new to Brown Owls and someone has forgotten your name… Or you’ve been there for ages and people STILL get your name wrong! Well, we have the answer! Come and get your craft on with us…
Felt pieces x Felt scraps
Fabric scraps
Buttons / Beads
Thread/ Embroidery floss
Scissors/ rotary cutter/ cutting mat
Brooch design you have in mind, or a template from the owl below
Brooch back if you have one, or a safety pin
You may want to follow this template from Bugs and Fishes if you feel you need a hand with an idea for a felt brooch, or you can design your own or improvise on the night! http://bugsandfishes.blogspot.com/2010/01/how-to-felt-owl-brooch.html
IMPORTANT! It is a good idea to bring a piece of fabric no bigger than 5cm across with your name embroidered, or appliqued, or written in fabric marker, so we can get straight to the brooch-making and you don’t spend the evening doing the name and then not making the brooch. Why not come along this Wednesday the 7th of September to embroider your name?
We may not get a whole brooch made in a couple of hours but you can always bring it along next time, and our trusty helpers will give you a hand if you need it.
We have a Pinterest group, http://pinterest.com/starbate/brown-owl-brooches/ with pictures of brooches to give you inspiration.
This is a free event, but Hannakin’s special creations will be available on the night for purchase, so bring your pretty pennies if you wish to purchase some hannakin loveliness.
The Sporting Club still has delicious tapas (4 for the price of 3, bargain!) and they even have half price cocktails! Bonza! What a night! Bring your friends!
If you wanna keep up with all that’s happening with this event, then please RSVP or join the Brunswick Brown Owl Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/185966164781259/ whether you can make it or not. There’s always lots of tips and handy info on there!
After consulting my "Sew It Up" book, I have found that embroidery needles have blunter tips and larger eyes than normal sewing needles. After practicing, I found that only using 3 strands of embroidery floss also makes the lettering much clearer than using the lot as in the first example. I also found that adding a scrap piece of fabric behind the area you are going to embroider on makes it so much easier to do. I wrote freehand on the first one and then I used a Clover texta type marker to write my name, I believe it looks much better and you don't have to worry about not fitting your whole name in. You may already know all these things, if so, please add more tips! I hope these little tips help a little. If you don't think you'll get your name embroidered before our workshop with Hannakin on Wednesday, then come along anyway, and see how she works her magic!
Another reminder that our delightful Brown Owl friend Hanna of hannakin loveliness will be joining us this evening at the Sporting Club in Brunswick at 7pm for some brooch-making goodness! Bring some things, if you don't have everything, don't worry, we're good at sharing! It will be a gorgeous evening, even though we will be saying goodbye to our dear Susie...
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