A lovely event to meet other Owls in a more social, watery setting! Lovely Brown Owl Suze has organised for us to go and visit her workplace! She's a penguin keeper at The Melbourne Aquarium! How cool is that? LOL! That's Suze and Penguin Finn above! Suze has offered to be our extra-special guide for the morning! How great is that? Thanks Suze!
As a little extra treat, I'm going to make up a take-home Aquarium themed embroidery kits for the Brown Owls gals and a little crafty colouring pack for any kids that come too!
- Sunday 21st June
- Meet out the front of the aquarium at 9:20am, it opens at 9:30am
- Kids, partners are welcome (or a friend/friends if you are single)
- 33 people max (that includes kids/flatmates/friends/grandparents/partners)
- RSVP with your name - and who you are bringing (eg Pip PLUS 1 adult and 1 kid (aged 9) = 3 people)
- Price $14 per adult, $10.50 per child (normal price: adult $31.50 child $18..... bargain!)
- PLEASE only RSVP if you intend to come - we want to get as many bookings as possible as the Aquarium have done us a great deal!
- RSVP right here on this post from 8pm tonight!
We've been planning to do this for ages - sounds lovely!!!
Nicole J plus 1 adult and 2 kids = 4 people.
thanks Pip and Suze
Hi Pip, Hi Brown Owl Suze - We'd to come thankyou! There will be 3 of us (me & husband & babe) looking forward to seeing y'all! Jessica N
Just adding me in too! Pip and Max (13) and Ari (9) will be coming! That's = 3 people
I'll come. I'm home alone that weekend. So just me = 1 thanks Hannah T
I would love to come ,count Brendan in aswell so two of us.
Sorry thats Anna
YES PLEASE! It's going to be a birthday present to hubby (and me for the day before) so Lara F plus 1 adult (Dan) plus Clare (6 yrs) plus Stella (2 yrs). That's 4 people all up! Thanks so much! Sounds fantastic.
Jodes and Pete..
Yes please :) We are 2 adults + 2 kids + 1 tiny wee baby (does he count?), so 4, (or 5, if he does). Looking forward to it.
Melanie C.
Rebecca N + Pete will be there - 2 total from me ;-)
Hi Pip - 2 adults and 3 kids = 5 people.
thanks, Kerry F.
Hi Pip,
Not sure if there is still room for us, it will be me, Caleb (4) and Poppy (1 - not sure if she counts as a number)
Cindy H
OKEY DOKE! You are all in and we are now FULL! No more comments please! xx
Wow, full so quickly! Can't wait for everyone to meet our beautiful penguins!!
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