Friday, August 28, 2009

Launceston - Tuesday 22nd September - Bookbinding

Launceston Brown Owls will be meeting again next month on Tuesday 22nd September at 7.30pm at Seworld, 88 Elizabeth Street, Launceston.

The lovely Isis is running a little class in bookbinding if you care to join in... Check out her lovely Etsy shop for a bit of an idea of what we'll be doing: As always if you want to do your own thang, be our guest!

Materials Required for Enthusiastic Bookbinders:
*2 sturdy covers, roughly A5 is a nice size to work with (...old book covers, game boards cut to size, old record cut to size...)
*30 pieces of paper, the same height and double the width of the covers (eg. if each cover is 19cm high x 13cm wide, the paper should be 19cm x 26cm)
*about 2m of embroidery thread
*embroidery needle.
Isis will bring a hand drill for people to drill the holes in their covers.

BYO teacup and a small plate to share if you can xxx
RSVP to the blog ladies!


gemma @ loz and dinny said...

I'm there - bells on!

eve and the apple tree said...

me too me too xxx

Isis said...

count me in

x isis

Mrs Smith said...

Unreal, banana peel! Can't wait.

2paw said...

All being well, I will be there. Glad to see you'll be there too Isis!!!!!

Trouty said...

oh oh count me in! I have been away for 2mths and missed crafty things! x

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to it! Jill C.

Andrea said...

I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I am bursting to come along to a brown owl night since hearing about it, but i don't understand this blogging thing, nor if i have to have a 'membership' to come along? Can I just turn up?

Mrs Smith said...

Come along, please. And we can explain the blogging and membership when you get there!

Look forward to meeting you

Anonymous said...

Thankyou!!! See you all there

persey said...

bit of a newbie, hope there will be room for me too!

Raewyn said...

Sweet! I'm in!

Anonymous said...

sad i cant make this one !!! Look forward 2 next meet !!!
amanda c

T said...

Teresa and Suzie
would love to come too! will bring some goodies and lots of enthusiasm

Sharon said...

Hello there, I too would love to come along, is that okay?


Unknown said...

I would love to come, all going well with the baby... Hope to see you on the night! Best, Poppy

cecily said...

Yay! I'm not sick and don't have to study so I can definitely come this time. At last!!

eve and the apple tree said...

oh and joanie's coming, she's been having computer issues too!

Jenny said...

I completely forgot, isn't it next week or is it next week already. I'll be there if I can.

Anonymous said...

thanks girls had a great night