The venue is:
Centre House
178 Longueville Rd
Lane Cove.
English paper piecing usually refers to hexagon quilts, but don't let that scare you off. You can do much smaller projects with hexagons like applique, pin cushions, brooches and a whole lot more.

Venue Details:
Centre House, Lane Cove. It is an old brick house a few minutes walk from a bus stop.
Our meeting room is attached to the kitchen and has french doors which open onto a big deck. There are chairs and big tables, and we will be able to take tables and chairs out on the deck also.
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There is a small venue hire for the centre, but this allows us to chat louder than we do at the bookstore. The cost will be split between attendees, at a maximum, it will be $5, but likely less.
Craft Materials
If you'd like to join in on paper piecing, please bring along the following:
- fabric scraps bigger than 2.5" x 3" in any colour or print
- scissors (a rotary cutter and small mat is tops too, but not essential)
- needles
- coordinating thread
- a spool of very bright dayglo thread will help (we'll share if you have none)
Feel free to BYO Craft!
Please bring a cup along as well for tea or coffee, and let us know if you'll be bringing snacks.
I will be there helping people along with their paper piecing, even though if I can do it, everyone can! I'll be bringing a plate to share :o)
Hello! I can't actually make this date as I work nights mon-thurs!
i swear i WILL make it to a meeting!!! the universe cant be THAT against me crafting in group-like settings!
Hi Brown Owls. I tried to meet you on Saturday at Finders Keepers. I tracked from your stall to Shellbyville and back to Bad Skirt, but it was insane. The crowd was so dense, so I tracked back to where I'd left friends chatting over a coffee. Sorry Brown Owls. Next time.
I'll be there!
I will be there and really looking forward to leaning how to do this....can't wait and thank you for oganising.
I'll be there with some awesome pieces I picked up at Finders Keepers! I'm bringing some super yummy vegan brownies too. Looking forward to it.
Hello Brown Owls, I will be there, very excited about my first ever Brown Owls meeting !!
I will bring a plate - probably something chocolate....
I'll be there, will be my first meeting. Will endeavour to bring some yummy homemade treats too. Thanks!
I'm hoping to be able to come along! Fingers crossed! I'll confirm ASAP!
I'll be there
I'll be there this time too. I can't possibly get 'flu again this month! Looking forward to learning a new crafty skill!
Barring any baby dramas, I WILL be there! My first meeting, too, and I will bring something to nibble on, just not sure what yet.
iwill be there with bells on!!
I was devastated I missed the crochet night (nasty cold) and I missed 2 i think while I was away so I am super excited about this one!
Count me in too. I'd also like to learn english paper piecing. I'll also have lots of show and tell from my recent trip to Tokyo. I'm happy to bring my Gocco for a demo if you don't think there'll be too much to cram into one night? How much is too much crafty goodness?!
I'll be there too and will bring along some snacks.
Yay the meeting is on Thursday. I will be there. It will be my first. I feel quiet virginal.
See and Meet you hoot hoot soon
Sorry, I'm not gonna be able to make this one. A couple of the Creative Sydney talks are on at MCA that night and I'm already booked in to go. Next month though!
I'll be there! looking forward to my first meeting.
I'll be there, but I might be a little late. I'll bring a plate for shiz.
i'll be there!
will bring some snacks if i can remember!
Hi! I won't be able to make it this month as I am going to a cupcake decorating class at the local community college.
Will see you next time.
i can't make it to this one, but see you next time!
Hey Brown Owls
Will be there with fabric & cake!
Sunny Day Owl will be there - can't wait. Bell
Place holder for Pippa
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